Thoughts on my first Summer in the Netherlands

Beaches Netherlands travel

Something a little different... not so many travel tips this time, but more my thoughts and maybe some feelings too.

Summer is my season. I grew up in Costa Rica and love, love, love the sun. I'm a sun worshipper. I love the heat, I need it. I'm a creature of light and liveliness. That's why I find it so important to be, for my mental health, my peace, my happiness. 

Today it's August 3rd and it's Summer in the Netherlands, and it's actually summer! For the last month the temperature has been warm, sunny, and the atmosphere, mood and lifestyle has changed. Life has become easier, slower, more carefree and more outdoors orientated. It feels good, very good! 

But let's rewind a bit. Back in July things weren't as bright. The weeks dragged on with rain, coldness and grey, dull skies. I grew to have this burning, restless feeling (probably known as anxiety). Is this summer? Is this what we have all been waiting for? I would think this daily. Unimpressed. Bored. And actually, I was pretty scared. Was this it?

There might have been a sporadic beautiful sunny hot day which would give us hope, uplift spirits, but it would be followed by a foul week. Seasonal depression in Summer? I started to wonder if it could actually be a thing. 

At the end of June we ran away to Spain for nearly two glorious weeks, and when we came back in July I was surprised that the sun gods had finally decided to come, and come to stay! 

Maybe I was too impatient, or too quick to judge the Dutch summer, or maybe I just got unlucky with the start to my first summer here. Whatever the case, summer has arrived. And in it's full glory. 

We've been doing beach trips weekly, I even swam on Monday after work when temperature rose to nearly 30 degrees. It was so amazing. The beach bum in me is happy. How much a swim in sea can change your mood is insane!

 What else have we been up to? I've been enjoying sunbathing on my little balcony or at the park in the evenings after work. Having glasses of cold white wine on busy terraces - it seems like the sun brings everyone out to do the same too!

And it's been so nice to go for longer (and hotter!) run, or take Chica, our little long half sausage-dog, half Pomeranian pup, on sunny walks.


I've been living in shorts and crop tops and being more outdoors, checking out different beaches, lakes, and nature areas.

Last weekend I went to Haarlem and loved seeing the parks busy with picnics, music and laughter. The canals were busy with boats filled with people in bikinis. The terraces full and the streets busy. 

This weekend we did a roundtrip up through North Holland, checking out Volendam and then up to Sneek for the Sneekfest - a sailing and music festival which lasts a week and is celebrated all over town.

August feels equally as promising and positive as July. And I'll admit it, I'm happy to be having a Dutch summer. My first one of hopefully many more.

 For more pics and travel recommendations, follow Mattie Explores on Instagram :)


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