Diary Entry 29/8/22, Amsterdam
Kicking back in central Amsterdam today. It’s been a relaxing tourist-style day. The sun’s been out for most of it and it’s been very hot.
I write this from Food Hallen, a trendy food court. I’m waiting for Danny to arrive. I sit in their terrace area, with a chardonnay on the way.
It seems like the Netherlands might become my next home. And why not? The first time I ever visited Amsterdam I was not very impressed. I was young and compared it directly to London, not understanding why it was seen as special.
But I suppose I have had an amazing weekend and this must be about my sixth or seventh time in the Netherlands. Each time I have explored different parts of the country more and seen that there is a lot to learn and discover.
For instance, Rotterdam is a completely different city from Amsterdam. And then cute towns in the South of the country, like Bergen op Zoom, have a very different feel and culture from the rest of the Netherlands.
I think what I’m trying to see is that I have now understood clearly that Amsterdam is a world in itself and Amsterdam is not the Netherlands. So why wouldn’t I enjoy living here, there’s so much to explore and enjoy.
I switch back from contemplating my possible future to something more immediate, shall I order the buttermilk fried chicken starter to go with my wine? I decide quickly that of course I should and call the friendly waiter over. She’s a young woman and speaks perfect English.
She smiles at me while I joke around saying I will order a starter while I wait for my date, he doesn’t want to meet me hungry! She laughs politely, I’m already feeling at home here!

What are my thoughts on Amsterdam?
Here are my thoughts on Amsterdam after exploring it more and more.
- Amsterdam is not the Netherlands.
- Amsterdam is intriguingly confusing. It’s high-end but still messy. Tram cables are everywhere, traffic lights don't stop cyclists, and there’s an ever-changing sky.

- Will it be sunny or rainy in an hour? Toss a coin.
- I do love the greenery. trees and flowers are abundant.

- There are trendy-looking people dressed in brands and cuts I was not aware existed or that looked so good. I need to up my game.
- Restaurants, bars, spoiled for choice. I want to explore all of them.
- Public transport is pretty straightforward. When they don't strike.
- And what I’ve realised about Amsterdam is that I know nothing about Amsterdam. And that is quite interesting

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